College: Applied and Natural Science (ANS)
Undergraduate Programs
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG)240199
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) Geographic Information Science (GISC)450799
Associate of Science Nursing (ASN) Nursing (NURS)513801
Bachelor of Science (BS) Agricultural Business (AGBU)010101 Plant Science Business (BUS)
Plant Science (PLSC)
Bachelor of Science (BS) Animal Science (ANSC)010901 Animal Science Equine Science (EQSC)
Livestock Production (LSPD)
Pre-Veterinary Medicine (PVET)
Bachelor of Science (BS) Environmental Science (ENSC)030104 Environmental Science
Bachelor of Science Forestry (BSF) Forestry (FOR)030501 Forestry, Wildlife Habitat Management Forest Management (FORM)
Wildlife Habitat Management (WHMG)
Bachelor of Science (BS) Human Development and Family Science (HDFS)190701 Human Development and Family Science, Gerontology Child Development Specialist (CDVS)
Child Life (CHLF)
Family Science (FMSC)
Bachelor of Science (BS) Fashion Merchandising & Retail Studies (FMRS)190905 Fashion Merchandising & Retail Studies
Bachelor of Science (BS) Biology (BIOL)260101 Biology
Bachelor of Science (BS) Geographic Information Science (GISC)450799 Geographic Information Science
Bachelor of Science (BSII) Health Informatics & Information Management (HIIM)510706 Health Information Management
Bachelor of Science Medical Technology (BSMT) Medical Technology (MDTC)511005
Bachelor of Science (BS) Nutrition & Dietetics (NUDI)513101 Human Nutrition, Culinary Management Non-Registered Dietitian (NORD)
Registered Dietitian (REGD)
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate (VIST)000000
Graduate Programs
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Graduate Transient (GRTR)240199
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Life Long Learning (LLL)240199
Master of Science (MS) Biology (BIOL)260101
Master of Science Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT)300101
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT)300101
Master of Health Informatics (MHI) Health Informatics (HI)510706
Master of Science (MS) Nutrition & Dietetics (NUDI)513101
Graduate Certificate (GC) Dietetics (DIET)513101
College: Business (BUS)
Undergraduate Programs
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG)240199
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) Information Assurance & Cyber Security Management (IACS)110101
Bachelor of Science (BS) Business Administration (BUAD)520201 Business Administration
Bachelor of Science (BS) Management (MGT)520201 Management, Business Leadership, Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
Business Management (BMGT)
Human Resources Management (HRM)
Bachelor of Science (BS) Sustainable Supply Chain Management (MGTS)520203 Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Science (BS) Accounting (ACCT)520301 Accounting
Bachelor of Science (BS) Business Economics (ECON)520601 Business Economics
Bachelor of Science (BS) Finance (FIN)520801 Finance
Bachelor of Science (BS) Computer Information Systems (CIS)521201 Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Science (BS) Marketing (MKTG)521401 Marketing, Sports Marketing General Marketing (GMKT)
Key Account Development (MKAD)
Marketing Analytics (MKTA)
Sports Marketing (SPMK)
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) Business Foundations (BUFO)520101
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate (VIST)000000
Graduate Programs
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Graduate Transient (GRTR)240199
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Life Long Learning (LLL)240199
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Business Administration (BUAD)520201 Finance (FINC)
Information Assurance (INFA)
Innovation (INNO)
Marketing (MKTG)
Quantitative Analysis (QA)
Six Sigma - Black Belt (6SGB)
Six Sigma - Green Belt (6SGG)
Telecommunications (TELE)
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Business Administration (BUAD)520201 Accounting (ACCT)
Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Management (MGMT)
Master of Accountancy (MACC) Accounting (ACCT)520301
Graduate Certificate (GC) Business Administration (BUAD)520201
Graduate Certificate (GC) Information Assurance (INFA)521201
College: Education (EDU)
Undergraduate Programs
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG)240199
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Health & Physical Education - Senior Citizens (HPSR)139998
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Health Fitness Inst. of TECH (HFIT)139998
Bachelor of Science Elementary Education - Gr 1-5 (ED01) Elementary Education - Gr 1-5 (E001)131202 Library Science
Bachelor of Science Elementary Education and Special Education Mild/Moderate - Gr 1-5 (ED38) Elementary Education & Special Education Mild/Moderate Gr 1-5 (E038)131202
Bachelor of Science Secondary Education & Teaching - Gr 6-12 (ED39) Secondary Education & Teaching - Gr 6-12 (E039)131205 Secondary Education - Gr 6-12 Agricultural Educ - Gr 6-12 (AGED)
English Educ - Gr 6-12 (ENGL)
Social Studies Educ - Gr 6-12 (SSTU)
Bachelor of Science Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (ED04) Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (E004)131210
Bachelor of Science Health & Physical Educ - Gr K-12 (BSHP) Health & Physical Education - Gr K-12 (HPE)131314
Bachelor of Science (BS) Exercise & Health Promotion (EXHP)310501 Exercise & Health Promotion, Sport Performance
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Psychology (PSYC)420101 Psychology
Bachelor of Science (BS) Kinesiology & Health Sciences (KIHS)510000 Kinesiology & Health Sciences
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) Middle School Education - Gr 4-8 (E028)131203
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) Secondary Education - Gr 6-12 (E021)131205
Doctor of Education Education Leadership (EDEL) Educational Leadership (EDLE)130401 Educational Leadership (EDLE)
Higher Educ Administration (HEAD)
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate (VIST)000000
Graduate Programs
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Graduate Transient (GRTR)240199
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Life Long Learning (LLL)240199
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Life Long Learning - Education Extension (LLLE)139998
Master of Education (MED) Curriculum and Instruction (CI)130301 Visually Impaired (BLND)
Master of Education (MED) Educational Leadership (EDLE)130401
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Special Education: Visually Impaired (E027)131009
Master of Arts Counseling and Guidance (MACG) Counseling & Guidance (CGU)131101 Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CLMH)
Human Services (HSVC)
Orientation & Mobility (ORMB)
Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind (RTBL)
School Counseling (SCCO)
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Elementary Education - Gr 1-5 (E018)131202
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Elementary Education & Special Education Mild/Moderate Gr 1-5 (E038)131202
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Middle School Education - Gr 4-8 (E028)131203 Middle School Educ Math 4-8 (MM48)
Middle School Educ Sci 4-8 (MS48)
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Secondary Education - Gr 6-12 (E021)131205 Business Educ-Gr 6-12 (BUED)
Gen Sci-Biology Educ-Gr 6-12 (GSCB)
Gen Sci-Chemistry Educ-Gr 6-12 (GSCC)
Gen Sci-Physics Educ-Gr 6-12 (GSCP)
Mathematics Educ-Gr 6-12 (MATH)
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Secondary Education and Special Education Mild/Moderate Gr 6-12 (E041)131205 English (ENG)
General Science (GSC)
Mathematics (MAT)
Social Studies (SST)
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (E022)131210
Master of Science (MS) Kinesiology (KINE)310505 Admin of Sport & Phys Activity (ASPA)
Sports Performance (SPRT)
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Counseling Psychology (CPSY)422803
Master of Arts (MA) Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOPY)422804
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOPY)422804
Graduate Certificate (GC) Teacher Leader Education (E036)130401
Graduate Certificate (GC) Higher Education Administration (E044)130401
Graduate Certificate (GC) Special Educ Mild/Moderate for Elem Educ Gr 1-5 (E029)131001
Graduate Certificate (GC) Special Educ Mild/Moderate for Secondary Educ Gr 6-12 (E030)131001
Graduate Certificate (GC) Visual Impairments - Blind Education (E031)131009
Graduate Certificate (GC) Orientation & Mobility (E046)131009
Graduate Certificate (GC) Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind (E047)131009
Graduate Certificate (GC) Special Education-Early Intervention: Birth-5 (E026)131015
Graduate Certificate (GC) Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (E004)131210
Graduate Certificate (GC) Reading Specialist (E032)131315
Graduate Certificate (GC) Cyber Education (E045)131321
Graduate Certificate (GC) Dynamics of Domestic and Family Violence (DDVI)422802
Graduate Certificate (GC) Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOPY)422804
College: Engineering and Science (ES)
Undergraduate Programs
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG)240199
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) Lean Six Sigma (LSIX)143501
Bachelor of Science Computer Science (BSCS) Computer Science (CSC)110701 Computer Science Cloud Computing and Big Data (CCBD)
Computer Engineering (CMPE)
Cyber Security (CSEC)
Graphics & Game Design (GAME)
Bachelor of Science Biomedical Engineering (BSBM) Biomedical Engineering (BIEN)140501 Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering (CMEN)
Computer Information (CI)
Electrical Engineering (ELEN)
Mechanical Engineering (MEEN)
Microsystems Engineering (MSEN)
Physical/Occupational Therapy (PTOT)
Pre-Medical (PREM)
Pre-Medical Illustration (PMIL)
Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering (BSCH) Chemical Engineering (CMEN)140701 Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering (BSCV) Civil Engineering (CVEN)140801 Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering (BSEE) Electrical Engineering (ELEN)141001 Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering (BSME) Mechanical Engineering (MEEN)141901 Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Science Industrial Engineering (BSIE) Industrial Engineering (INEN)143501 Industrial Engineering
Bachelor of Science Nanosystems Engineering (BSNE) Nanosystems Engineering (NSEN)149999 Biomedical Engineering (BIEN)
Bachelor of Science Cyber Engineering (BSCY) Cyber Engineering (CYEN)149999
Bachelor of Science (BS) Instrumentation & Control Systems Engineering Technology (ICET)150406
Bachelor of Science Construction Engineering Technology (BSCT) Construction Engineering Technology (CETH)151001
Bachelor of Science (BS) Mathematics (MATH)270101 Mathematics, Actuarial Science
Bachelor of Science (BS) Chemistry (CHEM)400501 Chemistry Pre-Dentistry (PRED)
Bachelor of Science (BS) Physics (PHYS)400801 Physics
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate (VIST)000000
Graduate Programs
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Graduate Transient (GRTR)240199
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Life Long Learning (LLL)240199
Master of Science Computer Science (MSCS) Computer Science (CSC)110701
Master of Science Engineering (MSE) Engineering (ENGR)140101 Civil Engineering (CVEN)
Communications Systems (CSYS)
Industrial Engineering (INEN)
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Engineering (ENGR)140101 Cyberspace (CYBR)
Engineering Educ (ENED)
Engineering Physics (EPHY)
Materials & Infrastructure Systems (MAIS)
Micro & Nanoscale Systems (MNSS)
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Biomedical Engineering (BIEN)140501
Master of Science Engineering &Technology Management (MSEM) Engineering and Technology Management (EMGT)151501 Construction (CNST)
Engineering Management (MGTE)
Management of Technology (MGTT)
Master of Science (MS) Mathematics (MATH)270101
Master of Science Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT)300101
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT)300101
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD)Computational Analysis & Modeling (CAM)300801
Master of Science (MS) Applied Physics (APHY)400801
Graduate Certificate (GC) Cyber Technology (CYTC)119999
Graduate Certificate (GC) Communications Systems (CSYS)141004
Graduate Certificate (GC) Six Sigma Black Belt (SSBB)143501
College: Liberal Arts (LA)
Undergraduate Programs
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG)240199
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Post-Baccalaureate Undergraduate - Murphy USA (PBGM)240199
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) Audiology (AUD)510202
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) Communication & Media Studies (CMSC)090199
Associate of General Studies (AGS) General Studies (GNST)240102 Humanities (HUM)
Natural Sciences (NSCI)
- BAFB Social Sciences (SOSC)
Arts (ARTG)
Computer Applications - BAFB (CAPL)
Criminal Justice - BAFB (CJUS)
History - BAFB (HIST)
Psychology (PSYC)
Bachelor of Interior Design (BID) Interior Design (INDS)040501 Interior Design
Bachelor of Science Architectural Studies (BSAS) Architectural Studies (ARST)049999 Architecture
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Communication (COMM)090401 Journalism, Communication Studies, Theatre Communication Studies (COMS)
Journalism (JOUR)
Theatre (THTR)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Modern Languages (MLNG)160101 International Studies, French, Spanish French (FREN)
Spanish (SPAN)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) English (ENGL)230101 English, Technical Writing Creative Writing (CRWR)
Literature (LIT)
Technical Writing (TCHW)
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST)309999
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Political Science (POLS)451001 Political Science, Geography, Philosophy Geography (GEOG)
Pre-Law (PLAW)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Sociology (SOC)451101 Sociology, Gender Studies
Bachelor of Science (BS) Professional Aviation (PRAV)490102 Professional Aviation
Bachelor of Science (BS) Aviation Management (AVMG)490104 Aviation Management Aviation Maintenance Management (AVMM)
Bachelor of Fine Arts Graphic Design (BFAG) Art-Graphic Design (GRDS)500409 Art-Graphic Design, Pre-Medical Illustration
Bachelor of Fine Arts Studio (BFAS) Art-Studio (STUD)500702 Pre-Medical Illustration, Art-Studio, Art, Art History, Photography, Scientific Visualization
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Music (MUSI)500901 Music, Music Industry Studies Liberal Arts (LBAR)
Music Educ - Vocal Gr K-12 (MEVO)
Music Industry Studies (MIND)
Performance (PERF)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Pre-Professional Speech-Language Pathology (SPPY)510204 Audiology Audiology (AUD)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) History (HIST)540101 History, Public History
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate (VIST)000000
Graduate Programs
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Graduate Transient (GRTR)240199
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) Life Long Learning (LLL)240199
Master of Architecture (MARC) Architecture (ARCH)040201
Master of Arts (MA) Speech (SPCH)090101 Speech Communication (SPCC)
Master of Arts (MA) English (ENGL)230101
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Art (ART)500702 Graphic Design (GRDS)
Photography (PHOT)
Studio (STUD)
Master of Arts (MA) Speech Pathology (SPAT)510203
Doctor of Audiology (AUD) Audiology (AUD)510202
Master of Arts (MA) History (HIST)540101
Graduate Certificate (GC) Technical Writing and Communication (TEWC)231303
College: Barksdale (BCS)
Undergraduate Programs
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) ICP Undergraduate (ICPU)240000
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate (VIST)000000
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG)Visiting Undergraduate - BAFB (VISB)000000
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) Visiting - HSS (VISH)240100