College: Applied and Natural Science (ANS) |
Undergraduate Programs |
Degree | Major | CIP | Minor(s) | Concentration(s) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG) | 240199 | | |
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) | Geographic Information Science (GISC) | 450799 | | |
Associate of Science Nursing (ASN) | Nursing (NURS) | 513801 | | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Agricultural Business (AGBU) | 010101 | Plant Science | Business (BUS) Plant Science (PLSC) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Animal Science (ANSC) | 010901 | Animal Science | Equine Science (EQSC) Livestock Production (LSPD) Pre-Veterinary Medicine (PVET) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Environmental Science (ENSC) | 030104 | Environmental Science | |
Bachelor of Science Forestry (BSF) | Forestry (FOR) | 030501 | Forestry, Wildlife Habitat Management | Forest Management (FORM) Wildlife Habitat Management (WHMG) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Human Development and Family Science (HDFS) | 190701 | Human Development and Family Science, Gerontology | Child Development Specialist (CDVS) Child Life (CHLF) Family Science (FMSC) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Fashion Merchandising & Retail Studies (FMRS) | 190905 | Fashion Merchandising & Retail Studies | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Biology (BIOL) | 260101 | Biology | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Geographic Information Science (GISC) | 450799 | Geographic Information Science | |
Bachelor of Science (BSII) | Health Informatics & Information Management (HIIM) | 510706 | Health Information Management | |
Bachelor of Science Medical Technology (BSMT) | Medical Technology (MDTC) | 511005 | | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Nutrition & Dietetics (NUDI) | 513101 | Human Nutrition, Culinary Management | Non-Registered Dietitian (NORD) Registered Dietitian (REGD) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate (VIST) | 000000 | | |
Graduate Programs |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Graduate Transient (GRTR) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Life Long Learning (LLL) | 240199 | | |
Master of Science (MS) | Biology (BIOL) | 260101 | | |
Master of Science Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) | Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) | 300101 | | |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) | 300101 | | |
Master of Health Informatics (MHI) | Health Informatics (HI) | 510706 | | |
Master of Science (MS) | Nutrition & Dietetics (NUDI) | 513101 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Dietetics (DIET) | 513101 | | |
College: Business (BUS) |
Undergraduate Programs |
Degree | Major | CIP | Minor(s) | Concentration(s) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG) | 240199 | | |
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) | Information Assurance & Cyber Security Management (IACS) | 110101 | | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Business Administration (BUAD) | 520201 | Business Administration | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Management (MGT) | 520201 | Management, Business Leadership, Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship (ENTR) Business Management (BMGT) Human Resources Management (HRM) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Sustainable Supply Chain Management (MGTS) | 520203 | Sustainable Supply Chain Management | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Accounting (ACCT) | 520301 | Accounting | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Business Economics (ECON) | 520601 | Business Economics | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Finance (FIN) | 520801 | Finance | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Computer Information Systems (CIS) | 521201 | Computer Information Systems | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Marketing (MKTG) | 521401 | Marketing, Sports Marketing | General Marketing (GMKT) Key Account Development (MKAD) Marketing Analytics (MKTA) Sports Marketing (SPMK) |
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) | Business Foundations (BUFO) | 520101 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate (VIST) | 000000 | | |
Graduate Programs |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Graduate Transient (GRTR) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Life Long Learning (LLL) | 240199 | | |
Master of Business Administration (MBA) | Business Administration (BUAD) | 520201 | | Finance (FINC) Information Assurance (INFA) Innovation (INNO) Marketing (MKTG) Quantitative Analysis (QA) Six Sigma - Black Belt (6SGB) Six Sigma - Green Belt (6SGG) Telecommunications (TELE) |
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) | Business Administration (BUAD) | 520201 | | Accounting (ACCT) Computer Information Systems (CIS) Management (MGMT) |
Master of Accountancy (MACC) | Accounting (ACCT) | 520301 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Business Administration (BUAD) | 520201 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Information Assurance (INFA) | 521201 | | |
College: Education (EDU) |
Undergraduate Programs |
Degree | Major | CIP | Minor(s) | Concentration(s) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Health & Physical Education - Senior Citizens (HPSR) | 139998 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Health Fitness Inst. of TECH (HFIT) | 139998 | | |
Bachelor of Science Elementary Education - Gr 1-5 (ED01) | Elementary Education - Gr 1-5 (E001) | 131202 | Library Science | |
Bachelor of Science Elementary Education and Special Education Mild/Moderate - Gr 1-5 (ED38) | Elementary Education & Special Education Mild/Moderate Gr 1-5 (E038) | 131202 | | |
Bachelor of Science Secondary Education & Teaching - Gr 6-12 (ED39) | Secondary Education & Teaching - Gr 6-12 (E039) | 131205 | Secondary Education - Gr 6-12 | Agricultural Educ - Gr 6-12 (AGED) English Educ - Gr 6-12 (ENGL) Social Studies Educ - Gr 6-12 (SSTU) |
Bachelor of Science Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (ED04) | Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (E004) | 131210 | | |
Bachelor of Science Health & Physical Educ - Gr K-12 (BSHP) | Health & Physical Education - Gr K-12 (HPE) | 131314 | | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Exercise & Health Promotion (EXHP) | 310501 | Exercise & Health Promotion, Sport Performance | |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Psychology (PSYC) | 420101 | Psychology | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Kinesiology & Health Sciences (KIHS) | 510000 | Kinesiology & Health Sciences | |
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) | Middle School Education - Gr 4-8 (E028) | 131203 | | |
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate (PBC) | Secondary Education - Gr 6-12 (E021) | 131205 | | |
Doctor of Education Education Leadership (EDEL) | Educational Leadership (EDLE) | 130401 | | Educational Leadership (EDLE) Higher Educ Administration (HEAD) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate (VIST) | 000000 | | |
Graduate Programs |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Graduate Transient (GRTR) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Life Long Learning (LLL) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Life Long Learning - Education Extension (LLLE) | 139998 | | |
Master of Education (MED) | Curriculum and Instruction (CI) | 130301 | | Visually Impaired (BLND) |
Master of Education (MED) | Educational Leadership (EDLE) | 130401 | | |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Special Education: Visually Impaired (E027) | 131009 | | |
Master of Arts Counseling and Guidance (MACG) | Counseling & Guidance (CGU) | 131101 | | Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CLMH) Human Services (HSVC) Orientation & Mobility (ORMB) Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind (RTBL) School Counseling (SCCO) |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Elementary Education - Gr 1-5 (E018) | 131202 | | |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Elementary Education & Special Education Mild/Moderate Gr 1-5 (E038) | 131202 | | |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Middle School Education - Gr 4-8 (E028) | 131203 | | Middle School Educ Math 4-8 (MM48) Middle School Educ Sci 4-8 (MS48) |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Secondary Education - Gr 6-12 (E021) | 131205 | | Business Educ-Gr 6-12 (BUED) Gen Sci-Biology Educ-Gr 6-12 (GSCB) Gen Sci-Chemistry Educ-Gr 6-12 (GSCC) Gen Sci-Physics Educ-Gr 6-12 (GSCP) Mathematics Educ-Gr 6-12 (MATH) |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Secondary Education and Special Education Mild/Moderate Gr 6-12 (E041) | 131205 | | English (ENG) General Science (GSC) Mathematics (MAT) Social Studies (SST) |
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) | Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (E022) | 131210 | | |
Master of Science (MS) | Kinesiology (KINE) | 310505 | | Admin of Sport & Phys Activity (ASPA) Sports Performance (SPRT) |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Counseling Psychology (CPSY) | 422803 | | |
Master of Arts (MA) | Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOPY) | 422804 | | |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOPY) | 422804 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Teacher Leader Education (E036) | 130401 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Higher Education Administration (E044) | 130401 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Special Educ Mild/Moderate for Elem Educ Gr 1-5 (E029) | 131001 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Special Educ Mild/Moderate for Secondary Educ Gr 6-12 (E030) | 131001 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Visual Impairments - Blind Education (E031) | 131009 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Orientation & Mobility (E046) | 131009 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Rehabilitation Teaching for the Blind (E047) | 131009 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Special Education-Early Intervention: Birth-5 (E026) | 131015 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Early Childhood Education - Gr PK-3 (E004) | 131210 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Reading Specialist (E032) | 131315 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Cyber Education (E045) | 131321 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Dynamics of Domestic and Family Violence (DDVI) | 422802 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Industrial/Organizational Psychology (IOPY) | 422804 | | |
College: Engineering and Science (ES) |
Undergraduate Programs |
Degree | Major | CIP | Minor(s) | Concentration(s) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG) | 240199 | | |
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) | Lean Six Sigma (LSIX) | 143501 | | |
Bachelor of Science Computer Science (BSCS) | Computer Science (CSC) | 110701 | Computer Science | Cloud Computing and Big Data (CCBD) Computer Engineering (CMPE) Cyber Security (CSEC) Graphics & Game Design (GAME) |
Bachelor of Science Biomedical Engineering (BSBM) | Biomedical Engineering (BIEN) | 140501 | Biomedical Engineering | Chemical Engineering (CMEN) Computer Information (CI) Electrical Engineering (ELEN) Mechanical Engineering (MEEN) Microsystems Engineering (MSEN) Physical/Occupational Therapy (PTOT) Pre-Medical (PREM) Pre-Medical Illustration (PMIL) |
Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering (BSCH) | Chemical Engineering (CMEN) | 140701 | Chemical Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering (BSCV) | Civil Engineering (CVEN) | 140801 | Civil Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering (BSEE) | Electrical Engineering (ELEN) | 141001 | Electrical Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering (BSME) | Mechanical Engineering (MEEN) | 141901 | Mechanical Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science Industrial Engineering (BSIE) | Industrial Engineering (INEN) | 143501 | Industrial Engineering | |
Bachelor of Science Nanosystems Engineering (BSNE) | Nanosystems Engineering (NSEN) | 149999 | | Biomedical Engineering (BIEN) |
Bachelor of Science Cyber Engineering (BSCY) | Cyber Engineering (CYEN) | 149999 | | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Instrumentation & Control Systems Engineering Technology (ICET) | 150406 | | |
Bachelor of Science Construction Engineering Technology (BSCT) | Construction Engineering Technology (CETH) | 151001 | | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Mathematics (MATH) | 270101 | Mathematics, Actuarial Science | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Chemistry (CHEM) | 400501 | Chemistry | Pre-Dentistry (PRED) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Physics (PHYS) | 400801 | Physics | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate (VIST) | 000000 | | |
Graduate Programs |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Graduate Transient (GRTR) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Life Long Learning (LLL) | 240199 | | |
Master of Science Computer Science (MSCS) | Computer Science (CSC) | 110701 | | |
Master of Science Engineering (MSE) | Engineering (ENGR) | 140101 | | Civil Engineering (CVEN) Communications Systems (CSYS) Industrial Engineering (INEN) |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Engineering (ENGR) | 140101 | | Cyberspace (CYBR) Engineering Educ (ENED) Engineering Physics (EPHY) Materials & Infrastructure Systems (MAIS) Micro & Nanoscale Systems (MNSS) |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Biomedical Engineering (BIEN) | 140501 | | |
Master of Science Engineering &Technology Management (MSEM) | Engineering and Technology Management (EMGT) | 151501 | | Construction (CNST) Engineering Management (MGTE) Management of Technology (MGTT) |
Master of Science (MS) | Mathematics (MATH) | 270101 | | |
Master of Science Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) | Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) | 300101 | | |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Molecular Science and Nanotechnology (MSNT) | 300101 | | |
Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) | Computational Analysis & Modeling (CAM) | 300801 | | |
Master of Science (MS) | Applied Physics (APHY) | 400801 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Cyber Technology (CYTC) | 119999 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Communications Systems (CSYS) | 141004 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Six Sigma Black Belt (SSBB) | 143501 | | |
College: Liberal Arts (LA) |
Undergraduate Programs |
Degree | Major | CIP | Minor(s) | Concentration(s) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Post Baccalaureate Undergraduate (PBUG) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Post-Baccalaureate Undergraduate - Murphy USA (PBGM) | 240199 | | |
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) | Audiology (AUD) | 510202 | | |
Undergraduate Certificate (UC) | Communication & Media Studies (CMSC) | 090199 | | |
Associate of General Studies (AGS) | General Studies (GNST) | 240102 | | Humanities (HUM) Natural Sciences (NSCI) - BAFB Social Sciences (SOSC) Arts (ARTG) Computer Applications - BAFB (CAPL) Criminal Justice - BAFB (CJUS) History - BAFB (HIST) Psychology (PSYC) |
Bachelor of Interior Design (BID) | Interior Design (INDS) | 040501 | Interior Design | |
Bachelor of Science Architectural Studies (BSAS) | Architectural Studies (ARST) | 049999 | Architecture | |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Communication (COMM) | 090401 | Journalism, Communication Studies, Theatre | Communication Studies (COMS) Journalism (JOUR) Theatre (THTR) |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Modern Languages (MLNG) | 160101 | International Studies, French, Spanish | French (FREN) Spanish (SPAN) |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | English (ENGL) | 230101 | English, Technical Writing | Creative Writing (CRWR) Literature (LIT) Technical Writing (TCHW) |
Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) | Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST) | 309999 | | |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Political Science (POLS) | 451001 | Political Science, Geography, Philosophy | Geography (GEOG) Pre-Law (PLAW) |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Sociology (SOC) | 451101 | Sociology, Gender Studies | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Professional Aviation (PRAV) | 490102 | Professional Aviation | |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Aviation Management (AVMG) | 490104 | Aviation Management | Aviation Maintenance Management (AVMM) |
Bachelor of Fine Arts Graphic Design (BFAG) | Art-Graphic Design (GRDS) | 500409 | Art-Graphic Design, Pre-Medical Illustration | |
Bachelor of Fine Arts Studio (BFAS) | Art-Studio (STUD) | 500702 | Pre-Medical Illustration, Art-Studio, Art, Art History, Photography, Scientific Visualization | |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Music (MUSI) | 500901 | Music, Music Industry Studies | Liberal Arts (LBAR) Music Educ - Vocal Gr K-12 (MEVO) Music Industry Studies (MIND) Performance (PERF) |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | Pre-Professional Speech-Language Pathology (SPPY) | 510204 | Audiology | Audiology (AUD) |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | History (HIST) | 540101 | History, Public History | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate (VIST) | 000000 | | |
Graduate Programs |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Graduate Transient (GRTR) | 240199 | | |
Non-degree Graduate (NDGD) | Life Long Learning (LLL) | 240199 | | |
Master of Architecture (MARC) | Architecture (ARCH) | 040201 | | |
Master of Arts (MA) | Speech (SPCH) | 090101 | | Speech Communication (SPCC) |
Master of Arts (MA) | English (ENGL) | 230101 | | |
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) | Art (ART) | 500702 | | Graphic Design (GRDS) Photography (PHOT) Studio (STUD) |
Master of Arts (MA) | Speech Pathology (SPAT) | 510203 | | |
Doctor of Audiology (AUD) | Audiology (AUD) | 510202 | | |
Master of Arts (MA) | History (HIST) | 540101 | | |
Graduate Certificate (GC) | Technical Writing and Communication (TEWC) | 231303 | | |
College: Barksdale (BCS) |
Undergraduate Programs |
Degree | Major | CIP | Minor(s) | Concentration(s) |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | ICP Undergraduate (ICPU) | 240000 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate (VIST) | 000000 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting Undergraduate - BAFB (VISB) | 000000 | | |
Non-degree Undergraduate (NDUG) | Visiting - HSS (VISH) | 240100 | | |